About The Work



Twelve is the realm of karmic lessons, reincarnation, and the soul's purpose. In the natal chart, Venus in the 12th house has been often interpreted as a hidden or secret love affair.

A modern reading of this celestial influence, and one embodied by the 12th House Venus aesthetic, is the expression of love or beauty in a way that is unexpected, liberating, and cathartic. 



The Artist

12th House Venus is a one woman show. Based in Dallas, TX, I occupy an oftentimes absurd creative space at the intersection of classicism, late-80's/early-90's goth, animism, and nerdery.




Grave Textures: What yields these pieces is an intensely personal process that I have been honing since 2008.

I fell in love with the practice and its results because it almost perfectly mirrors the unique human response to the things we go through in life. What barely shakes one of us might render another near to dust.

What's visible in a finished talisman is the story of what that individual circle of silver has endured. Is it beautiful? Sad? Terrifying? All of the above? That's for the observer to decide. Everyone sees something different in these pieces, and no two are alike.



12th House Venus adornments are constructed with a purposeful amount of heft and substance. Heavier gauge sterling silver stands up to wear and protects stones better than thinner gauges. Solid ring shanks act as a counterbalance for the unique, collector-quality stones they support.

Every 12th House Venus piece is born in my studio, start to finish. The pieces featured in this shop are created lovingly and with attention to detail, and are not made quickly or in bulk. Each piece is unique and has its own story that begins here and waits to continue with an owner.

Prefabricated elements are kept to a minimum (some chains and clasps), and no pieces are cast for quick reproduction. All textures are brought out of the metal using a variety of techniques, so that each and every wearable work of art is one-of-a-kind and unique.